Slide One
The National Association
of Ex-Offenders

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The National Association
of Ex-Offenders

Welcome to the website of UNLOCK, the National Association of Ex-Offenders. Founded in 1999, we exist to campaign for better facilities for serving prisoners to plan for life after release, and to support ex-offenders in leaving crime behind and rebuilding their lives.
The last year has been a period of amazing growth for UNLOCK, and we are pleased to have made inroads into various campaigning areas, including a major new campaign on Votes for Prisoners – read more in the Campaigns section. Our Members are now able to access insurance and mortgages which were previously difficult for ex-offenders to get, and we will soon be able to offer bank accounts. Moreover, reflecting our commitment to improving the lives of our members, we’ve initiated a project focusing on bathroom renovation in Glasgow, enhancing living conditions for those in need. UNLOCK’s Chief Executive, Bobby Cummines, frequently appears in the media and is one of the UK’s leading writers and commentators on our penal system.