This time of year sees the mass exodus of twenty-somethings as they prepare to move back to the suburbs, after their four years of conquering the city as university students. With final exams at last in sight and the glittering promise of graduation, for many young people it can seem disheartening to move home. As they divide their things into packing boxes they are reminded of their reckless university days and the memories they have made. It’s easy to see why they worry that they’re giving up their independence in their decision to move back home. However, it’s essential to know that by making this decision, young people are actually taking their first steps in the direction of total autonomy.
Making Preparations – Packing Boxes and Moving On
Before you embark on your journey, it is imperative that you take the necessary precautions in order to ensure a smooth transition from house to home. It is advisable to let your flatmates and landlord know as soon as possible of your plans to move home, to allow them to make other arrangements in your stead. You could help them out by posting your room on various buying and selling sites, where you can advertise for a new flatmate. Don’t worry about someone taking your room- with the huge influx of new students into the city in search for a home for the next four years, it’ll be snapped up!
The next step to a successful move, is deciding how you’re planning to move. Do you drive? Are your parents going to pick up your things with the family car, or will you need a moving van? These are all things that need to be carefully considered, along with the packaging you’ll be using to move your valuables. This might seem obvious, but it is absolutely essential to tailor your choice of packaging to the needs of your move. It’s best to get a hold of your packing boxes in a wide variety of sizes and durability; what works well for your weighty university books, may not be best suited to the fragile photo frames that hold your cherished memories. Your packing boxes are responsible for the safety of your items, and likewise you’re responsible for the safety of the planet- be sure to purchase boxes that are made of 100% biodegradable corrugate cardboard, allowing you the opportunity to reuse your boxes, or recycle them safely. One company which provide heavy duty packing boxes and moving kits is Big Brown Box. They even provide next day delivery if you have left your packing until the last minute.
Your Arrival
Despite the negative feeling that may surround your move home, rest assured that you’re doing something hugely beneficial to both your present and future self. The first of these benefits is the financial; by moving home you will be better placed to save money on things like rent and living costs. After spending your university years stressed about meeting deadlines while trying to make rent, students can finally breathe a sigh of relief when they check their bank balance. And with that spare money at your disposal, you can take time to decide what you want to do with it; get your foot on the property ladder? Go into further study? Travel? The world is your oyster!
On a more sentimental note, moving home is a great opportunity for post-students to reconnect with family and friends. Amid the rush of being a student, it’s hard to get home for more than a couple of weeks over the holidays or, at the weekend for birthdays. By moving home, you’re giving yourself the opportunity to really catch up with the family and friends that supported you on your road to academic success, and what better way to do it than over a home-cooked meal?
Finally, and most importantly, moving home gives you the chance to truly breathe for the first time in four years. Faced with the mountain of deadlines, assignments and exams that university presents you with, it can be difficult to find a quiet moment for yourself in which to consider what you really want from life. You’ve achieved something incredible in completing university; reward yourself with time before you take your next steps. Too many students give into the pressure to find a career straight after university, and are trapped there for years. Take this time at home to really consider what you want, and remember; standing still is not taking a step back.

Alden Picarella writes about rehabilitation, second chances, and support systems that help individuals rebuild their lives.