As a business you should already be aware of the importance of having a positive image surrounding your business – both inside and out. What we mean by inside is the reputation of your business with a positive corporate culture and how you operate. Outside we mean how your business is perceived by your end product and overall branding. Here are some of our key considerations:
If you have made a product / service that you are proud of then you should also take pride in how you present this to the end user. Packaging is often overlooked and thought of as lower importance. This should simply not be the case, if you invest in high quality or protective packaging it sends the message to your customers that you take what you do seriously and could save you money on returns and refunds as your goods are less likely to become damaged.
Logos are so critical in how your business is perceived. If there was ever anything to get right in terms of overall branding this is it. Your brand logo should be unique and individual in order to stand out. Having a bad logo can often result in lower sales and your profits could seriously suffer. If you feel you missed the mark with your original logo. It could be worth a re-brand in order to steer your business in the right direction.
Support Charity
If you wanted to build up your image and reputation whilst feeling good about it you should be supporting a charity of your choice. A fun way to do this could be having an office poll to see what is more favourable, alternatively if there is a charity close to one of your employees hearts it could be beneficial to support this. Charity collections are a great way to create a positive corporate culture as well. You could have an office bake sale, fancy dress day or hold some kind of competition. If your business sells to the public, it could be a good idea to let your customers decide. Put out three collection jars in your business and each paying customer is given a token to place in one of the jars. At the end, see which one has the most tokens and donate your proceeds to that charity.
Social Media
Social media is a great way to communicate your brand to your customers. There are various social media strategies your business might want to utilise. Some businesses like to be informal on social media in order for their customers to get a feel for the personality of the company, others purely exist to provide their customers important information, in real time. You must decide what strategy could benefit your business and the one which would benefit you most. As a business you should focus on picking 2 or 3 channels of social media and doing these really well. Rather than doing a little bit on every single channel. Find out who your customers are and what channels they are using. In order to target specific people relevant to your business.

Alden Picarella writes about rehabilitation, second chances, and support systems that help individuals rebuild their lives.